Second Year Fall Course Rankings

I want to continue what I started with the first blog post on discussing first-year courses.

1st: ECE241

My Review

  • You learn a lot of content but don’t dive too deep into it; if you’re especially interested in something, you need to learn it on your own.
  • Labs are quite fun, if not the greatest olfactory experience. They reflect lecture content and teach out about digital hardware design/verification.
  • As daunting as the project seems, much of the stress/pressure is what students bring on themselves; the instructors’ expectations for the project are significantly lower than what I thought they’d be.


  • ModelSim ModelSim ModelSim (did I forget ModelSim?)
  • Practice your Boolean algebra consistently instead of trying to cram it all before the midterm and the final.
  • Make good use of the textbook, it’s well-written for a second year audience.

2nd: ECE231

My Review

  • Course schedule was unclear at times, and the instructors aren’t on the same page regarding what should be taught and when.
  • Content itself is great and sets a good foundation for future electronics courses.
  • The first two or three labs are quite a snooze but they pick up in iddifculty (and in how fun they are) very quickly.


  • In addition to the pre-lab exercises, take a good luck at what you’ll be doing in the lab itself. It will save you a lot of time debugging and you won’t be as dependent on the TAs, who are busy.
  • It seems easy to get away with memorizing a lof of the content in the course, but I believe doing that stops you from actually learning anything.
  • Remember that even if you get lost or stuck on a question, you can solve any problem in the whole course using just Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws, and element equations.

3rd: MAT290

My Review

  • Two sections being significantly behind the other two made studying for the weekly quizzes quite annoying as we’d be doing questions on content covered one or two weeks ago.
  • The course covers a lot of content but does a good job of tying everything together by the end of the course.
  • We could benefit from learning more engineering applications than just basic RLC circuits that we already know how to solve.


  • Practice makes better.
  • Don’t rely too much on the past quizzes.

4th: ECE244

My Review

  • A pretty standard programming course.
  • The first and last two labs were extremely boring but the middle two made me a little more optimistic about programming and it’s applications.


  • Use the reference executables when in doubt.
  • Don’t bother doing the textbook problems; just do the past midterms and exams they’re taken from.

5th: MAT291

My Review

  • Again, practice makes better.
  • Use the textbook and the instructor-provided lecture notes. They cover far more content and examples than what is actually presented in the lecture.


  • I actually had no clue what I was doing throughout this course I can’t really say anything :(