Calculus II
Course Description
MAT187: Calculus II is a course taken by all first-year undergraduates at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. This course is a standard second course in calculus, with a focus on engineering contexts.
I took this course in Winter 2024 under Professors Shai Cohen and Camelia Karimianpour. This was, in my opinion, the hardest course I took all semester, and I often found myself struggling and feeling left behind. Nonetheless, thanks to some late-night Robarts grind sessions and making use of the resources provided by the instructors and TAs, I was able to finish the course with an A–.
I made these notes every weekend as I completed the course readings (called Pre-Class Essentials, or PCEs). There is a substantial amount of content that was skipped, but this is stuff that was covered in MAT186 (Calculus I) or can be inferred from the content present.